Thursday, June 18, 2009

Work and Faith

"If I am supposed to hoe a garden or make a table, then I will be obeying God if I am true to the task I am performing. To do the work carefully and well, with love and respect for the nature of my task and with due attention to its purpose, is to unite myself to God's will in my work. In this way I become [God's]instrument. [God]works through me." (Source: Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation)

How does this apply to my professional life? My family life? My friendships? My use of time and money? My own self care? I think I ought to keep this thought before me all the time.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Waiting for Number Eight

Why is it so hard to see God's design--or to wait until it unfolds? Samuel didn't want a new king for Israel at all, and when he was choosing one from Jesse's sons, he was ready to choose the first one. God said NO. Samuel had to go through seven sons, all of whom looked like a perfect king, before the eighth son, David, showed up, young and inexperienced, dragged out of the fields. He was totally unlikely--the wrong one. Just as Jesus was unlikely to be God's chosen Messiah, and he was rejected, until God did a new thing in his death and resurrection! How many possibilites am I missing, because I think I have it all figured out? Hopefully, I can wait until number eight every time I am trying to find the right path to follow Jesus.