Dear Friends,
Our week at Massanetta Springs is over, and it was outstanding in many ways.
First, the music! The adult, youth, and children's choirs, and the handbell choirs made me so thankful that God has given us music, and voices and gifts with instruments to praise God with, and to delight our senses with the beauty of melody.
Second, the preaching! So many excellent preachers opened God's Word to us during

Finally, the HEAT! With temperatures reaching 97-98 degrees from Monday to Thursday, we literally melted in the un-air-conditioned Hudson Auditorium every morning and evening. It surely takes great love of music to stand jammed together in a very large choir and sing with fervor!
I hope you enjoy these pictures from the week, thanks to some of the dedicated photographers snapping photos during our events.

We are home now, and hopefully will have a quiet week of catching up on laundry, household chores, and a visit from a very special friend from Florida.
Grace and peace to you all,
Grace and peace to you all,
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