Dear Friends,
I am still on a "high" after the fantastic Festival of Homiletics in Atlanta, but the last few days of organizing, sorting, filing, and throwing away in the home office have, I must confess, taken some of the edge off. It looks to me like the seven years I have spent as your pastor have not been used to keep things orderly at home. Having two offices seems to make more than twice the amount of sermon files, liturgical year ideas, illustrations, etc.
We are off Friday for Northern Virginia, where I will be worshiping at St. Paul United Methodist Church in Woodbridge. The other thing we will be doing at that church is celebrating the marriage of our nephew, Zach Walrond, to Aubrielle Smith. I will be officiating, and my heart is warmed that they asked. The two of them have been part of our church family at Northside, and I thought you might like to see how they looked at VT graduation just a couple of weeks ago (Zach was also commissioned as a 1 Lieutenant in the US Air Force). We are looking forward to being with family and friends for the occasion.
Our daughter-in-law, Mary Teller, has just had her tonsils out, but she is recovering well. Our son, Tony Rathjen, has taken a new job in Kernersville, NC, so he, Jenny, and Nathan will be moving this summer. We are excited, because they will be so much closer, and we can do the "grandparent thing" more often!
Doug and I pray for you regularly, and miss you all a lot!
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